On behalf of Fund clients, Cooper Rose LLP has launched the sale of this prominent large store investment in Walton-on-Thames.
The property is let on a new lease at a re-based rent.
Walton-on-Thames – attractive commuter town with an affluent catchment population
Prominent town centre trading position
Substantial ground floor retail store/showroom totalling 7,498 sq ft (GIA)
Let on a new 10 year lease with a break at year 5 at a re-based rent to Sofas & Stuff Ltd
Tenant provides a lower than average risk of business failure according to Dun & Bradstreet
Headlease expires in 3008 at a fixed peppercorn rent
Total current income: £85,000 per annum
Price: £1,000,000, subject to contract and exclusive of VAT
Net Initial Yield: 8%
Contact Giles Cooper or Andy Smith of Smith Coley.